Before the workshop, we were quite apprehensive about labour. We attended the Complete Birth Knowledge Workshop at around 32 weeks pregnant, and really didn’t know what to expect, but it was a great experience!

The venue was quite informal which I think worked well for this workshop. Was nice to have option of beanbag / ball / chair as we were sitting for quite a long time.

Eleanor made the subject feel really accessible and easy to understand.

I liked that the workshop got the relevant messages across without being too serious. We really got a lot from learning about the different stages of labour, watching videos of births and also techniques for labour, e.g. positions and massage.

I came away from the workshop feeling calmer and more in control.

It also helped my hubby feel more involved in the labour and birth process and gave him techniques he can use throughout.

We now feel more empowered to ask the right questions and make the decisions we need to help us have an awesome birth!

Mr & Mrs A, October 2017