I’m a Baby! Get Me Out of Here! – Natural Ways to Induce Labour

by Nov 23, 2013Labour & Birth

Natural Ways to Induce Labour

Your due date approaches…and marches by with no signs of baby coming.

The phone calls, emails and texts start: “Have you had that baby yet?” You don’t mind for the first few days but actually you have had quite enough of being pregnant. You have nested to within an inch of your life, cleaned the house from top to bottom, and your midwife has now started talking about interventions to induce labour, perhaps even booking you in at the hospital.

natural ways to induce labour

Image source: weheartit.com

But you have read some of Birthzang’s blog posts about induction and inaccurate due dates and have decided that you’d really like to avoid it if possible. But, oh my goodness, I NEED to get this baby OUT NOW!!!!

Well, there are a myriad of theories of natural ways to induce labour. This series of posts aims to help you find out about all of them, and whether or not they make the blindest bit of difference!

There are so many natural ways to induce labour that I had to split them into groups to make it a bit easier to digest (no pun intended).

See the links below for the entire blog.

Let's Get Physical: Practical Ways to Induce Labour Naturally

Foods to Induce Labour Naturally

Needles and Pins: Therapeutic Ways to Induce Labour Naturally

Spiritual Ways to Induce Labour Naturally