by Eleanor Hayes | Feb 1, 2015 | Active Birth
Birth is everywhere! Everyone is born, after all, and 4 in 5 women will go through the experience (1). For some, giving birth is a wonderful life-affirming event – even describing it as orgasmic! – but for many women, labour and birth is painful, difficult... by Eleanor Hayes | May 3, 2014 | Active Birth
History of Birth Women have been birthing instinctively for millennia. Find any historical image of birth and it is almost universally showing the woman in an upright position. They were attended by other women, experts in birthing – midwives and doctors played... by Eleanor Hayes | Jan 2, 2013 | Active Birth
Just came across this really interesting article on Janet Balaskas from 2012. I am getting excited about meeting her in 2 weeks when I start my training. She really revolutionised so much about the way we give birth – and want to give birth. ...