What is the Rewind Technique?

Let me guide you through this method to move towards a calm and confident birth

andWhat is the Rewind technique?

The way I will help you work past these feelings of birth trauma and fear is through a simple but effective technique called the Rewind Technique.

It has its roots in neuro-linguistic programming and uses the methodology of guided relaxation to enable you to eliminate your unwanted emotions and replace them with something much nicer.

It is a 3-step technique that goes through a process of:

    1. REFLECTION – reflect on the past memory (either by sharing your story or just talking about key unwanted emotions) in order to identify the key emotions that are unwanted and looking at the emotions that you would prefer to have.
    2. REWIND – going through the Rewind process through a guided relaxation in a way that enables you to feel at a safe distance from your memory and feelings.
    3. REFRAME THE FUTURE – establishing the positive things that will replace the unwanted feelings. 

How does it work?

As a practitioner of this technique, I will guide you in this process but it is not hypnosis or therapy and doesn’t change or alter your memory in any way.

Rather we enable our brain to re-process the memory and to detach the strong emotions that have been attached to the memory so that it can be stored in our memory banks in a neutral way – just like all our other memories.

What to expect?

The technique is be conducted over or 2 or 3 sessions that last between 60-90 minutes depending on your needs and goals. It can be done in a safe and familiar place or somewhere more neutral if you prefer.

Each session will start with some reflection about what the goals are for the process, and then we will move into a guided relaxation that lasts between 20-45 minutes depending on which session and what is being covered.

We wrap up with a short reflection on the relaxation.

How much does it cost?

As the sessions are tailored to your requirements, I offer a package that covers all sessions and any follow-ups or extra support required. We have 3 sessions of between 60-90 minutes and we can add additional sessions if needed.

Rewind Package £199

How do I know if it will work for me?

Every person is unique and their thoughts and emotions are unique.

Rewind works best with if you have a strong unwanted emotion that is created and caused by a specific event or experience, that is having a negative impact on your present life. It can also be highly effective even if you can’t attribute the emotion clearly to an event or memory.

Why not get in touch and book a free Rewind assessment call with me and we can discuss your specific situation. Please note you do not have to share tour story with me if you don’t want to, Rewind can be practised without sharing anything at all.

I had an amazing rewind session with Eleanor, I was feeling very stuck on some negative feelings about a past job.

The rewind session really helped me to distance myself from these feelings and it was almost as if my brain was rewired.

I no longer have strong emotions about that issue and felt I could let it go and move on with my life. 

Kieran, August 2020


3-Step Rewind

Want to take these techniques even further?

I have a Birth Coaching package where we work together to develop a bespoke coaching programme designed specifically to enable you to get into the perfect headspace for birth so that you can achieve the birth your desire (and deserve).

Coaching can be done in person in Frome, or via Video calls.

Private Antenatal Classes

Create a bespoke antenatal programme to help you prepare for birth in the comfort of your own home with tailor-made content.

Pregnancy Yoga in Frome

Get into the physical and mental headspace of pregnancy, learn birth skills and make mum friends in this flexible drop-in class in Frome.

Antenatal Classes

Get Ready for Birth header 500

Learn all the skills and knowledge you need to have an awesome birth, using this tried and tested method of birth preparation.

Guided Relaxation MP3

online relaxation

Listen to this awesome guided relaxation MP3 on Itunes or Spotify, and just take a moment to stop, breathe and relax.

Birthzang's 5 tips to reduce anxiety in pregnancy

5 Sensational Ways to Bond With Your Unborn Child

DON'T say this to someone who has had a Miscarriage (but say THIS instead)

Hi! It's awesome to meet you!



Eleanor Hayes

Antenatal educator, yoga instructor, coach and author

I founded Birthzang after having an incredible birth experience that enlightened me that with the right tools and skills at her fingertips, any woman can have a positive birth experience.

I discovered my passion for providing parents with practical and non-fluffy information in my online antenatal workshops and classes about how to cope with pregnancy, labour, birth, and parenthood.