Before the workshop we felt a bit apprehensive, pretty neutral, and a bit nervous of the unknown.
We really enjoyed Eleanor’s active birth workshop and found it very helpful.
We were a little daunted by the fact that it was a whole day long, but Eleanor’s friendly and frank delivery style and the interactive nature of the session kept us engaged the whole time.
Yes there was a lot to take in, but we were reassured by having the handouts to refer back to afterwards.
We felt comfortable asking questions throughout and found it particularly useful to try out some of the practical exercises (positions, movements etc.) that we quite probably wouldn’t have got around to otherwise.
What really sticks in our minds are the strategies for taking our time and making informed decisions, understanding the phases of labour and how hormones come into play, and using positions and movement to speed things up or slow things down.
We both left the workshop feeling much more informed and empowered to make decisions during labour and the birth.
We both feel much more in control and able to make informed decisions. Kevin is much more confident about being an awesome birth partner, and Anne feels more empowered and generally positive.
We’re looking forward to putting what we’ve learnt into practice when the time comes!