May 2015
A very well-spent day, we both really enjoyed the workshop and found it really informative and useful.
Eleanor was fantastic, answering any questions at any point during the workshop with a very informative and knowledgeable answer.
Eleanor was full of energy and made everyone feel completely at ease. We both liked the practical parts of the workshop and we will definitely be practising at home before the big day.
The whole workshop was great!! By the end of the day we both felt a lot more confident about the prospect of labour and birth having been given lots of useful tips and ideas!
Thank you so much Eleanor, you are super! X
Birth Story – July 2015
Discomfort started around 7pm on Sunday 7th June, the feelings were not as expected initially, more like a period pain than a sudden painful contraction. The discomfort was manageable and I started by bouncing on my ball while watching TV and trying to stay calm. I then needed the toilet and had a show and I thought OMG this is actually happening, pretty sure Martin was in disbelief as he began filling the water dispenser on the fridge- very laid back!!!
I stayed on my ball for some time and also had a bath. I had called triage and they told me to give them a call back when the contractions were much stronger, they were about three minutes apart at this point. Anyway, they started getting stronger by about 11pm but I decided to just stay at home and manage the pain with my breathing techniques learnt at the workshop. Deep long breaths seemed to help me and I also used a tens machine.
By 1pm I decided enough was enough and I needed to call triage and go to hospital. The lady I spoke to thought I seemed very calm and was not convinced I was ready to go in, however after she heard me having a contraction her opinion changed and she said to go in but be prepared to be sent home!
So, we got the hospital bags, got in the car (slowly and uncomfortably) and off we went, the longest drive of my life as every light went red!!! As we arrived luckily there were no other ladies in labour so they saw me immediately for an examination and in between my contractions they managed to scan me and examine me, to then tell me (to their surprise and mine) that I was fully dilated and ready to give birth – this was really happening.
So, they took me into ‘Autumn’ and tried to give me gas and air but I hated it, couldn’t keep the damn thing in my mouth because of the pains. So I gave up and just used my breathing techniques, I focused on one point on the wall, whilst standing (very important) and used long deep breaths to help me through each contraction.
Cutting this already long story a little shorter, after approx three hours on the Rushey Ward they decided intervention was necessary (even though his head was out) and they moved me to delivery suite (to be told the room was not ready for me!!!) where they were going to cut me, but thankfully on that final push Sebastian was born and it was the most amazing moment of my life, my son was placed in my arms and was/is absolutely the most perfect thing ever! I fell in love 🙂 I then had to have some stitches and this is when I made good use of the gas and air while Martin cuddled our gorgeous little bundle.
Although it bloody hurt, I would do it again in a heartbeat and some of the techniques learnt on the Birthzang workshop really did get me through!